Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Final Diamond Anniversary Wrapup

So last night was the final night of festivities for the king's 60th anniversary of his coronary coronation (too much medical transcribing, that). I was quite wrapped up in the whole thing... moreso than the average person, I would expect. But I found it all so fascinating.

Last night, I watched the English broadcast of the proceedings, and therefore learned all the countries in attendance. I didn't realize before, but only "royals" were invited... no politicians. About half of the countries sent crown princes or princesses, and the other half had their monarch attending. The emporor and empress of Japan were probably the most notable. The Sultan of Brunei was the most senior royal attending (after Thailand, of course) and was therefore the "head guest" at all of the functions.

I guess that royals just interest me. It's the ultimate club, isn't it? Membership cannot be purchased or (in modern times) stolen, usurped, conned (or even offered, really). Watching the attendants and servants genuflect and prostrate, kneel and cater was just cool. Imagine living in that atmosphere every day! Chauffered and pampered and revered and regaled... all without responsibility to do or provide anything in return. Ahh. Ah well.

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