Friday, February 02, 2007

Local Zoo Travels Around To Nearby Schools

Kids always get to do the coolest stuff. My job is to sit in front of a computer all day, while their job is to learn and experience all kinds of new and amazing things. Indeed the old adage that "youth is wasted on the young" is so true.

Now, a local zoo is packing up all their critters and taking them around to local schools for some hands-on learning. Very cool.

Actually, it seems that at just about all the zoos in Thailand, you can get close enough to pet a majority of the animals, unlike in America. Still though, having the animals in your classroom on a leash or something... that's extra cool.

(I assume that we won't be reading any news stories about a 6-year-old getting eaten by a rampaging tiger or anything, natch.)

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