Saturday, February 24, 2007

Daily Report: Beer By The Pool

I slept in late today... getting a nice 12 hours of sleep. Must have needed it, although I couldn't say why. Subway delivery for lunch as per usual.

Pot and I spent the afternoon playing in the pool. Then Mike called, and he, Riza, Pui, Pot, and myself spent the evening by the pool as well. Lots of beer was consumed.

Then, Mike and I went out to the Hopf brewery where we met up with Mike's business partner, Matt, from Sweden. Lots of beer was consumed again. (Mike went home early and Matt gave me a ride home.)

I finally got to sleep at 3:00 a.m. (Time stamp for this post artifically set so that it falls on the day to which it refers.) Tomorrow, Pui, Pot and I are invited over to Matt's house for bar-be-que and to watch A1 Racing on TV.

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