Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wag The Dog

Apparently there is going to be a 2-part documentary which takes a bit of a different track on the events leading up to 9/11 that is going to be aired on ABC this coming Sunday and Monday.

Basically, from all the liberal bloggers raising hell about it, the documentary seems to say "here is why 9/11 happened: The previous administration (i.e. Bill Clinton... and Monica Lewinsky) missed all the opportunities to nip this Al-Quaida thing in the bud when they had the chance."

Conservative bloggers, of course, are whooping and hollaring in some sort of vindication for the bombs that never fell, the attacks that were never launched, and the killings that never came about.

Of course, what where those same people saying back in 1998 when all of this killing would have been so helpful? What happened every time Clinton did actually drop a bomb to try to stop terrorism?

"Wag the dog! Wag the dog!"

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