Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Declaration of War

In a sharp departure from the previous Palestinian government's condemnations of bombings, the Hamas-led administration defended the attack as a legitimate response to Israeli "aggression."

When people from one country attack another with verbal support from their government, that is an act of war, and should be treated as such.

I've never been keen on Israel, and think that they enjoy tossing around gasoline whenever they see fire, but there comes a time when you have to call a spade a spade and a war a war. Palestine has earned whatever they get handed this time around, because they have lost their perennial excuse of "government ≠ Hamas".

I really wish it wasn't so, but even most Arabs (who aren't Palestinian, that is), think the Palestinians get what they deserve when they do stuff like this. (Middle Easterners will keep supporting the suicide bombing, but that's just because Israelis rank below Palestinians on their scale... but not by much.)

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