I'm dubious, because I've never heard of an aerosol spray that acts that quickly, but I'll take him at his word that he was assaulted.
Still though, if you hire a prostitute on Beach Road (instead of in a bar), and if you take a prostitute back to your hotel and don't register her with the front desk, then: You. Are. Stupid. Any questions?
Stupid tourist #19 drugged, robbed, and filmed.

Wow: The stoopit is blooming fast and furious today, as we have our twentieth victim of prostitute-proffered pill popping. Here is a German making the list for a change, apparently drugged by a ladyboy right on Pattaya Beach. Perhaps the dearth of English-speaking suckers is due to the fact that everybody in Thailand who speaks English reads Jil In Pattaya and therefore knows what is going on? Nah. English-speaking people are apparently just smart enough not to take drugs that are offered to them by prostitutes... unlike the rest of the world, it seems.
Stupid tourist #20 drugged, robbed, and filmed.
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