Pot (regardless of what I posted below) is still sick, and this afternoon his mother took him to the doctor, who gave him a shot in his butt.
This evening, Pui and I went out to Naklua (the Northern "suburb" of Pattaya), to the Bavarian Big Butt Beer Bar for one of her friend's birthday parties. (The bar isn't actually called that... I've forgotten the name... but if you saw the average size of the bargirls there, you wouldn't argue with my nickname for the place.)
I only go to Naklua about once a year, even though it is equidistant to my house from Rick's bar, and really is a nicer section of town. This area of town, however, is filled with Germans and since I've forgotten all of the German that I learned in college, I wouldn't find many people to talk to.
I was suprised at the makeup of the passers-by on the street outside The Five Bs. There were so many elderly German couples walking by. (I can always tell German couples because German men are the only people on earth besides Americans who wear mustaches (without beards) regularly. The German older women all seem to dress in earnest, far too-well groomed for being on vacation in a tropical resort.) It's quite a difference from central Pattaya, and especially Walking Street, which is primarily British and American men and philistine Russians with their harsh-looking girlfriends.
It was entertaining to listen to conversations between German punters and bar girls. The common language is English, and both bargirl and customer are operating at the "me like buy you drink" level of conversation.

From left to right is Na, Pui, Nok, Sue.
(Pui is smiling more now after I showed
her how to put on a proper smile.)I wound up sitting with Sue, the birthday girl, and Nok, her sister-in-law. Nok is a very pretty older lady, but she has one of those voices that will put cracks in ceramic floor tiles if she targets it effectively. I had a fun time teasing her all night by jumping with fright, or cringing in pain every time she let rip the famous Pattaya greeting of "Hello! Welcome!" to pedestrians in the street. But she is an impressive girl, having more than a passing familiarity with English, German, Japanese, and Korean.
Sue is one of Pui's oldest friend's in Pattaya, and was Pot's first nanny in town. She is a very nice lady. I bought drinks for everyone, and ordered a pizza. We had a very nice time.
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