My new sexy scent, and
a furry backdrop.Pui came home with a bottle of Giffarine cologne today and asked me to buy it for 500 baht. Unfortnately it was wrapped in hermetically-sealed plastic, so I had to purchase on faith.
For $13, it wasn't too much of a risk. It reminded me a little bit of a cologne called Xeryus. Unfortunately, as with most inexpensive colognes, different scents that make up the whole dissipate at different rates, so the bouquet goes from a crisp musk with a Cool Water floral/citrus background to smelling like lemon-scented carpet cleaning powder after about 20 minutes... and then gone almost completely within 40 minutes.
I had to laugh at the instructions on the back of box. It said "Directions: Spray at pulse spot and desire area." (So I sprayed my feet, because that is the part of me that my cats seem to love the most... the cats being the only people who express any type of desire for any particular area of my fatness on a regular basis.)
Pui sprayed some of my cologne on herself as well. Then, of course, she was obligated by Thai custom to give me 1 baht. (You see, you can't give a girl perfume in Thailand... she has to buy it herself. Apparently this is because she herself is the only one who is allowed to imply that she smells bad. Thus she gives somebody 1 baht for perfume that would otherwise be given for free.) (p.s. If somebody has heard that explained differently, please comment.)
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