I only got in half a morning's work, and no work at all in the afternoon. Subway delivery for lunch.
Pui was in a dour mood last night because she had loaned a friend of hers 1000 baht, and her friend has apparently run off with the money or something. (I tell Pui time and again not to loan money to people, but she doesn't learn.)
Well, today I turned that frown upside down.
I went out late morning and picked up a beautiful arrangement of roses for Pui and a smaller bouquet for Maid Go. (Roses are so much cheaper in Thailand... about $2.50 per dozen.) I also got Pui a 1-baht gold bracelet. (Valentine's day is also our de facto 1-year anniversary, hence the gold.)
Pui of course was thrilled to death. She spent the afternoon walking around the house, grinning, half dancing, following around her outstretched wrist.

Tonight Pui, Go, Pot and I joined Mike and Riza, and their friends Richard and Beth (and their little boy James), and Rat (Justin's girlfriend) for dinner at a beachside restaurant on the northern outskirts of Pattaya. (I never heard the name of the place.) The picture above was snapped a few feet away from our table. Very, very low tide. The buildings in the distance looking down the beach are the same buildings in the distance looking up the beach from
this picture that I posted from Larry Soi 7 the other day below.
The food was the standard Thai seaside restaurant fare: A couple of chicken dishes as Mike doesn't eat seafood, a pile of clams, a pile of crabs, a tureen of fish soup, and a big whole fish stewing over a fire in a fish-shaped chafing dish. Oh... Add to that 8 large bottles of beer.

After dinner, it was back home where Pui and I watched another two episodes of "24". We're about four-fifths of the way through season one now... only 100 more episodes to go until we're caught up to the end of season 5. (
In related news, it seems that the U.S. Army is upset at Fox and the producers of "24" because the show is "mainstreaming" the use of torture, racial profiling, and questionable or outright illegal methods to save the day.)
So she loaned someone $30 American? I am just trying to figure out the exchange rate.sp
Yes... $30 give or take. Most of us here figure it at $25 because it makes for easier math that you can do in your head.
Sounds like a great Valentine's day.
Hmmm, 2 more months.
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