Friday, July 21, 2006

A Pro-Life Argument

I'm pro-choice, but only lukewarm. However, I've never heard an argument that would convince me to be pro-life, but I saw something written that made me stop and think: It was regarding the recent stem cell veto thing in Congress.
I cannot see how [a stem cell] can be seen as anything other than human life.
Note the semantics: "Human life" versus "A human life."

It made me stop and think:
1. Is it alive? Is it life?
2. Does it come from a human?

If you say yes and yes, well then there you are. Your own pro-life argument.

I'm still pro-choice, but that is because I (and I'm just being honest) place no intrinsic value on an undeveloped fetus. I place value in a potential life — with a capital L perhaps? — that can come from that fetus, and I think it should never be wasted. However, I simply don't feel strongly enough about it to actively remove the ability to make what I consider to be the wrong choice in such a matter. I simply feel it should always be a choice, and... yes... it should always be the wrong choice.

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