Turns out he gave an drunken, beligerent, obscenity-laced, Jewish-conspiracy rant peppered with threats and sexual innuendo.
(Well, that was what was in the original report which police decided was a little too damaging to Mr. Gibson's reputation. They decided to create the "peaceful, uneventful" version of things to help ol' Mel out but... well... oopsies always happen, and the original report (pdf) wasn't taken care of as carefully as it should have been.)
p.s. Anytime somebody says "I was drunk and didn't mean what I said", you should always cry bullshit. Booze is truth serum and everybody knows it.
I was thinking about it, and Mr. Gibson blew 0.12 blood alcohol. That is not that drunk. In fact, that's really only barely halfway to what the average person would consider drunk. (You know: The staggering around, slurred speech, the room-is-spinning-and-maybe-I'll-barf kind of drunk.) In other words, he wasn't so far gone that he didn't know what he was saying.
Well, you tell me: If you drink approximately 4-6 beers (depending on your weight), are you so smashed that you could "accidentally" say things that are completely socially reprehensible (especially when surrounded by half a dozen law enforcement officers)? Would you be that messed up?
Mel Gibson is a man with much more than alcohol on the brain.
1 comment:
wow, I can't believe anyone is willing to work with this guy anymore. You're right- the "I was drunk" excuse doesn't work. What a jerk.
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