Monday, July 17, 2006

Hamburger Holiday

I was chatting with Rick the other night, and he said, "Oh, by the way... We are going to leave for Laos on the 6th instead of the 5th."

I replied, "Well that works out then." Not thinking to ask why there would be a delay. "I'll get to see Bob unveil the world's biggest hamburger on the 5th then."

Rick said, "Exactly."

Apparently this hamburger is going to be a bigger event than I myself had envisioned if Rick is putting off going to Laos by a day just so that he (and all the people who are going with us) can see it. Apparently there are going to be lots of TV stations there too, and I think Bob mentioned getting the Associated Press to attend as well. I'm not sure if he mentioned CNN or BBC or something also.

Should be fun if you can make it. Carrefour lobby on August 5th. I'll post a time when I get it.

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