Friday, November 25, 2005

Messing With Minds

It's fun to keep Took guessing about how much Thai I actually know. Sometimes she tries to test me by asking me if I know a Thai word. I always say it means some English word that she hasn't learned yet. That confuses her:

Took: "How do you say [some Thai word I don't know] in English?"

Me: "Agile."

Took: "What is ag... ag-eye... what did you say?"

Me: "I said [some Thai word I don't know]."

Took: "No... what does it mean in English?"

Me: "It means agile. I don't know what else it means."

Took: "Oh."

Then she goes and looks it up in the dictionary and comes back 10 minutes later and punches me in the arm.

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