Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Lying To Save Your Skin

After last week's all-Republicans-out / all-Democrats-in election rout of the Dover, Pennsylvania school board over the introduction of Intelligent Design in science classes, Senator Rick Santorum (who, 12 months before the election, trails his challenger by 35 points; who is one of the right wing's most strident voices; who was named "one of the finest minds of the 13th century" by the Philadelphia Inquirer) came out today against Intelligent Design in the classroom:

Santorum's comments to The Times are a shift from his position of several years ago, when he wrote in a Washington Times editorial that intelligent design is a "legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in the classroom."

Heheh. Scramble much there Ricky? Pander much there Ricky? Flip-flop much there Ricky?

Hat tip to Pandagon.

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