Friday, November 18, 2005

Holocaust Denial

I certainly have a low opinion of holocaust deniers... along with racists, homophobes, and people who in general spout bullshit that those of us with brains know better than to believe.

However, in Austria apparently it is actually illegal to be a holocaust denier, and David Irving, holocaust denier extraordinaire, is now in custody for it.

Thought content: Aside from (1) where you are, (2) the method of delivery, and (3) your station in life (see below), I would never regulate the content of a person's mind, or their right to speak it. Never. If those of us without brains who are too stupid to figure out bullshit when they hear it, that is not the fault of the person handing out the bullshit, and he or she shouldn't be liable.

(1) Separation of church and state: The thought content of a preacher in the pulpit and the thought content of a public school teacher at the lectern.

(2) Nuiscance: Thought content through loudspeakers in the middle of the night. Shouting in your face.

(3) Influence: Newspapers printing known malicious falsehoods. Politicians using political power or their position to propagate untruths designed to harm others and help themselves. Clergy threatening damnation for lack of faith, causing fear and spiritual intimidation. These examples listed are not illegal, but they are immoral... and in my personal opinion, sadly, are the most odious examples of the abuse of free speech.

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