Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stink-Free Durian Created In Chantaburi

The best description I've heard so far for durian is "like eating vanilla custard in a latrine". Durian is a football-sized fruit with sharp spikes on it that is grown all over Thailand. Unfortunately, it smells so bad that many hotels, trains, busses, and public spaces ban them.

Now, in Chantaburi, close to Pattaya, a scientist has developed a stink-free durian. Of course, some purists are outraged. I personally don't care for Durian much, and I don't even find the smell all that bad. Still though, I do appreciate a fruit that is deadly if you eat too much of it.

And as for foods that smell bad... just ask anybody here: The food that will gag a Thai person the worst of all is parmesan cheese.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first came out to the Far East a friend of mine introduced me to durian, his description was eating Devon custard out of a babies diaper. That was before I got to try it. The taste is nice but lingers too long just like eating cucumber in UK the gases regurgitated always had the taste of cucumber regardless of whatever else was eaten. My worst experience was in KL when I bought some milk too near to the durian, the smell permeated through the box and I had durian smelling coffee until I used it up.