A court says this new View Talay
building is too close to the beach.The largest developer of condominiums in Pattaya over the last decade has been View Talay, who has put up five 500-plus-apartment developments already, and has another three (I think) under construction in both Jomtien and Pattaya. (An old friend of mine used to jokingly stick up his nose and call the places "farang ghettos".)

The front of the building is nearer
to the water than the arrow is here.

Obviously, builders in Pattaya have
never been particularly concerned
about the law which limits building
height within 200 meters of the water.Anyway, one of the new View Talay developments has created a firestorm by building what visually is a huge wall of a building that looms right out over the beach, more or less blocking any view up or down the beach from other buildings... all of the other buildings... which sit further back from the water's edge.
It seems that there is a law that states that you cannot build a building more than 14 meters (about 5 stories) tall within 200 meters of the water. (Obviously most of the skyscrapers in downtown Pattaya as well both of Pattaya's top resorts — the Royal Cliff and the Dusit Resort — violate this law as well... too late to do anything about them, naturally.) The View Talay company is trying to claim that the building is further than 200 meters from the water — at low tide. (If you have ever seen low tide in Jomtien, you know that the beach is 200 meters away from the water at low tide, so it's kind of a laughable claim for the building.) In the meantime, a court has ordered all construction on the building halted until this can be sorted out.

It will be interesting to see how this works out, and I offer my condolences to all the people who bought condos in this building.
Who is complaining about the new project?
Is it the people BEHIND the new project or the people on the side?
Apparently it is the people on the side... the people in Grand Condotel. (Follow from the tip of the arrow in the arial shot directly to the left, and the building you see there is the one.)
ok, thanks.
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