Sunday, April 08, 2007

Police Sting In Orlando Nets Really Evil People

An activist was arrested while he was feeding homeless people in a public park.

Eric Montanez, 21, a member of Orlando’s Food Not Bombs, violated a city ordinance against feedings in the park Wednesday evening, police said.

Each group is allowed to feed only 25 people, but undercover officers saw Montanez feed 30, police spokeswoman Barbara Jones said.
(Boy. What a slimy bastard that Montanez fellow is, hey?)

Out of about 50 pertinent questions that are bee-bopping around in my mind right now about what has to be the most retarded reason to slap a pair of cuffs on somebody, the one that seems to bubble to the surface first and foremost is this:

Orlando is using under-cover police officers to find out if too many homeless people are being fed? Really? Doesn't that seem a bit odd? Couldn't a meter maid on her lunch break with a little hand clicker counter thingy have done the job? Well, I suppose that since Orlando's undercover officers have solved and/or stopped all of the other crime in central Florida, the not-enough-hungry-homeless-people crisis needed to be addressed.

(Wonder why they didn't arrest the homeless people for eating, if they weren't supposed to?)

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