Saturday, January 28, 2006

Learning English

Another thing I like about Thailand is that you are often forced to stop and think... really think... about the English language. This is especially true if you are around English students who are just starting to hit their stride in their studies, where they are coming across all the different ways to say the exact same thing, but have no idea when you say them.

"What is the difference between 'I have no idea' and 'I don't know', and when do you use each one?"

I had to sit down in front of the internet today for 15 minutes to teach myself how to properly explain the conditional "would" to someone whose language contains no such concept.

Even if you are not one of the thousands of native-English-speaking English teachers employed in Thailand, on a daily basis, you will be called upon to stop and think about your own language and explain it to somebody who is hearing it for the first time.

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