Saturday, January 14, 2006

I Hear Buzzing

It seems that someone has started giving Ultralight tours. You know: Ultralight... a hang glider, lawn mower and propeller.

I live at the exact distance from Big Budda that if you are flying your lawnmover at about 1,000 feet, making a nice gentle circle, you have a perfect view of him if you fly right over my house.

Well, of all the things that go past my house in the course of a day, a lawnmower at 1,000 feet hardly even registers on my noise scale. Truth be told, 107th Street was quieter than where I live now. The teacher from Peanuts rides around in a truck with a loudspeaker all day. Motorcycles - which are chainsaws with wheels - buzz by.

Even the Thai birds are in on the noise game, with one particularly grating bird called the gow-wow bird (gow-wow sounding quite like its call, if you repeat it over and over for 5 minutes in a row) who wakes me up in the morning.

Well, it probably wouldn't be so loud if I didn't have every window in the house open... but I like being close to the outdoors, noises and all.

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