Thursday, March 02, 2006


There was smoke coming off my bank card today.

Last year at about this time, my bank actually suspended my account activity because their computer freaked out at a big check getting deposited into the account, and then 10 minutes later (in Thailand) the ATM starts sucking money out, stores all over Pattaya start ringing up sales, all nonstop for 24 hours.

This year, I actually e-mailed my bank in advance and told them to expect some crazy activity (in Thailand) and not to be alarmed... it's just lil' ol' me having the time of my life.

So, today it was off to Mike's Shopping Mall where I bought 3 silk shirts and 2 pairs of shorts from my usual clothing label. I'm so boring: I found a style of shirt and shorts I like, and I've gone back and back and back again to buy more. Now I have 12 of the exact same shirt and 5 of the exact same shorts (all different colors, granted) . Since I live in a tropical resort town, I own no pants... only shorts. I also bought a new pair of sandals since the old pair was starting to wear out. (I only own one pair of shoes.) Also bought some underwear. Yay.

After that, I stopped by the nursery and bought a truckload of trees for the deck, driveway, and front walk. (Maid Go and I are so ignorant of plants that it seems that the better our intentions and more caring or ministrations, the faster the plants seem to die.)

Finally, it was a stop at the liquor store where I jacked up the quality of my home bar another notch by adding a bottle of Drambuie, a bottle of Midori, and restocking the Bailey's that I ran out of 2 months ago.

Heheh. It's a good thing that tomorrow is pay day... I'm just about out of money.

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