Thursday, January 18, 2007

Veddy Eenteresting

I guess the problem with my internet is very much a problem related to overseas connections still being very slow because of the earthqauke. Just opening up the page to do this blog entry took 4 minutes. However, as you can see, when checking my internet connection, these are the kind of speeds I am getting:On the other hand, when I connect to the exact same test being hosted on a server in New York, these are the the kind of speeds I get.I also tried a test in Indonesia and got 507.1 kbps, and tried a test in Australia and got 22 kbps.

Anyway, do me a favor... regardless of where you are: Do the Thailand test and the New York test and see what kind of speeds you get and report them in the comments section so I can see if it is just me (on TOT ADSL) with this speed differential, or if everybody on the internet has it.

New York Test
Thailand Test



72kbps New York
99kbps Thailand

Jil Wrinkle said...

Hmm... you must be using like 256/128 ADSL, right Spidey? That's probably whey they are closer. Nothing definitive one way or the other with that test.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what ours is but here are results
Up Down Location
1064/200 New York
1238/384 Thailand

Jil Wrinkle said...

Damn... That means it is probably just my ISP. It can't be my phone line obviously... because I'm getting the download speeds in certain ways... just not allwas.

Anonymous said...

thai 186 and 59
NY 227 and 62

...but I'm in australia :)

Jil Wrinkle said...

That's interesting that Australia has Thailand slower than New York, since Thailand is closer. But your difference isn't so great that it bears mentioning.

I'm going to have to get together with TOT and try to explain to them that one-tenth speed connecting to the internet in America isn't normal.

Anonymous said...

try and explain something to a thai company *snigger* good luck!

Jil Wrinkle said...

Try explaining to a Thai company that something that makes perfect sense (the internet is slower when calling overseas than it is locally) is actually a problem. They'll just look at me, smile, and say, "There is no problem. It's always like that."