Monday, July 10, 2006

Photos Finally Back Up

Go's birthday dinner... Thai bar-be-que. (That's Go on the right.)
For reasons nobody but Pot understands, he has started idolizing me and comes in and watches me work (type) for 10 or 20 minutes at a time. (For someone who has an attention span measured in seconds, this is really weird.) Anyway, all he does now is run around the house "typing" on anything that has keys... the TV, the cable box, the telephone. So I've finally given up telling him to run along and play and just sit him down at my second computer, open up Microsoft Word, and let him bang away. (I gave him the headphones for the picture, as they are usually mine.) He will sit there and rattle the keys for as long as you let him.


Anonymous said...

There are computer programs for pre-schoolers that you can order.
Not sure what they are, but I know they exist.

Jil Wrinkle said...

Yes... but Pot currently only knows how to read and write in Thai, so they would have to be the Thai version.